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Double Bubble Foil Insulation – Staple Tab

Staple Tab

This high performance insulation effectively reduces energy costs through its use of heat transfer. Metallized facers are applied over rows of air bubbles to control the heat flow through conduction.
Surface99.9% Aluminum with Polyethylene
ApplicationsResidential, commercial, industrial and agricultural projects for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) in walls and ceilings, water lines and ventilation pipes, concrete slabs, radiant water heating systems, crawl spaces, concrete block walls, garage doors and water heaters
Product CodeRoll DimensionsUnit WeightRolls/BDLUPC
FDBF1650STR16" x 50 Ft.147.9 LBS3773967314533

Double Bubble Foil Insulation – Staple Tab

Staple Tab
This high performance insulation effectively reduces energy costs through its use of heat transfer. Metallized facers are applied over rows of air bubbles to control the heat flow through conduction.
Surface99.9% Aluminum with Polyethylene
ApplicationsResidential, commercial, industrial and agricultural projects for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) in walls and ceilings, water lines and ventilation pipes, concrete slabs, radiant water heating systems, crawl spaces, concrete block walls, garage doors and water heaters
Product CodeRoll DimensionsUnit WeightRolls/BDLUPC
FDBF1650STR16" x 50 Ft.147.9 LBS3773967314533